Friday, September 16, 2022

The Party's Over!

Our kleptocrat overlords, seeking to leverage the “culture wars” to divide us into warring camps, continue to distract us from the grim fact of their thieving control over us. For example, they encourage both overt and closet misogynists to battle the pro-privacy and pro-choice among us over whether or not we should embrace or oppose the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v Wade, with the help of four recently-appointed justices who falsely testified under oath that they considered Roe to be "settled law.” Some blame Democrats in Congress for this debacle, because they resisted codifying Roe into law to raise money, leveraging fear that Republicans overturning Roe would help fill their campaign coffers.

Democrats helped confirm four candidates who lied under oath. How are these candidates different from those who lie on a job application? They should be removed, if not prosecuted for this offense. Democrats should codify Roe into law NOW. In addition, they should increase the number of justices to at least 11. 

If partisan politics remains a barrier to implementing the will of the People, I advocate an end to parties. They were never part of the Constitution and were opposed by George Washington. Parties are not what they seem; rather than affinity groups uniting behind nominees through "primary" elections, they are lobbying corporations whose officials can nominate anyone they choose, ignoring the will of the voters. Want proof? The DNC got a lawsuit against them for stealing the nomination from Bernie thrown out of court by speaking this truth, and the judge agreed. 

Meanwhile, the RNC, acting as the agent of Trump, is coordinating a campaign to install pro-Trump state officials who are eager to ignore their voters and appoint "alternate" electors to the Electoral College, to install Trump (or a surrogate like DeSantis) should they lose again in 2024. The events of January 6 were not so much a “failed coup” than a rehearsal for 2024. (See for in-depth reports.)

To jumpstart a movement I've dubbed "The Party's Over," I'm backing an independent candidate for president willing to support the People's wishes so real reforms can be enacted; no more rule by party bosses funded by corporate lobbyists to enrich the kleptocrats who now rule us by proxy. Visit his page here on Facebook ( and tell him what real reforms should be first. Term limits? Age caps? An end to lobbying? Codifying Roe? Shouldn't it be up to We the People, not "We the Corporations" and "we the parties" to decide how we govern ourselves?

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