As of this writing, babies born on 9/11/01 are now old enough to drink alcohol anywhere in the country.
America is roughly divided in half on the question of whether or not we can trust the official “government story” of what happened on that day. Most believers of that official story agree that skeptics of the story are deluded “conspiracy theorists” in need of psychological help, or simply victims of such people.
Among the half in the “skeptics” camp are those who simply say “we will never know the truth” to highly-respected professionals in engineering, insiders with personal knowledge, and dedicated researchers who have authored dozens of volumes on why the “official story” simply cannot be true, according to the laws of physics and voluminous evidence on record. They follow the principle of solving a crime by following the money, examining all the evidence and discarding the impossible until only the possible is left from which to establish the truth.
My analysis of this evidence has led me to accept many inconvenient and uncomfortable truths. Following the money was the most fruitful avenue, and pointed to the most (nominally) rich and powerful people on the planet as the perpetrators, within and outside of (or “above”) what we think of as “our government.” It simply could not be anything other than an “inside job.”
The goals of the operation (codenamed “The Big Wedding”) were many and varied, but they were all motivated by power and money. Here’s my summary of the “cast of characters:”
1) At the top of the hierarchy are the personnel within the global credit control system. They care for nothing but doing their job, which is to maximize profits for the global corporate system. (For details, start with this link, The 147 Companies That Control Everything - Forbes and keep going. The 147 are controlled by four other corporations, at the very top of the pyramid. They are amoral, rather than immoral. They just do their job; the result is all the evil we see in the world. (There is another way to “run the world;” for that, see real
2) For the “command and control” think tank which specifically engineered “the attacks of 9/11,” see (the organization, and its successor, have both been dissolved and removed from direct access) you will find this quote: “…only a "new Pearl Harbor" (would) enable the military and defense policy transformations the group desired to rapidly take place.” For an in-depth discussion of this aspect of “the attacks, see David Ray Griffin’s book The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush ...(Administration and 9/11), one of many excellent books by Griffin on the subject.
3) For the role of Dick Cheney, see Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.
4) For the roles of George Bush (Jr. and Sr.), and many others, see Webster Tarpley’s “9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA“).
For the technical reasons why the “official story” cannot be true, from a brave and dedicated group of architects and engineers, see
Regarding “conspiracy theories:” this phrase first came to my attention in 1963, as the “government” sought to paint skeptics of the official legend of the assassination of JFK as disloyal and dangerous nuts. It was said that, if a “theory” departing from the “lone gunman” story was allowed to gain traction, and international suspicions that JFK’s murder could have been an “inside job,” that America would lose its standing as the legitimate “leader of the free world.” Such speculation was thus tantamount to treason. As an 18-year-old, I felt the scorn of my contemporaries at holding such thoughts as possibilities. If our “own government” had killed our President, it had to be kept secret, for “national security.” A corollary was that any skeptics could become the subjects of termination with extreme prejudice, as was JFK.
That’s the real meaning of the pejorative term “conspiracy theorist.” If you value your job, your family, your friends, and your life, don’t think the unthinkable.
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