Tuesday, February 18, 2020

My Cancer, Part 1

What's it like to be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer? One week ago, after 6 days in the ER, an oncologist told me the bad news and the good news. Bad: "You have Stage 4B Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma." The good: "We can cure you." I hope he's right.

As you’d expect, I’ve spent some time since researching the problem. Most folks with this diagnosis have swollen and/or painful lymph glands. Not me. Like some, my only symptom so far has been the one we all get: low energy and recurring or constant fatigue. No pain anywhere, and no tumors showing up in CT scans or ultrasound.

The diagnosis came after a CT scan showed lesions in my liver; a  needle biopsy was distributed to at least 3 labs, including the Mayo Clinic. 

I await scheduling for a head-to-toe PET scan which should show everything that’s anything in my body. I’m hoping the VA will cover the cost. A treatment plan will come after the PET scan results.

In the meantime, my research continues. as a “fan” of Anna von Reitz, David Wilcock and others, I’m aware of many alternative cures being deliberately kept secret from the public at large, for a variety of reasons (none of them warranted or legitimate). The ultimate cure is to cure oneself through the power of the mind. I’m confident that such things are possible, not for religious reasons, but based on science.

Questions and comments are welcome from any and all sources. If you feel moved to pray for me, I’m OK with that. If the ultimate news is the worst-case scenario, I’m OK with that too. I’m the only “atheist” you’re likely to meet who believes (based on science) that reincarnation, and the strong possibility of “ascension,” is real. I’ve had a good life, and am ready for whatever comes my way.

A mass thank-you goes out to all those who have already wished me well, even before I finished this comment.

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