Sunday, February 23, 2020

My Cancer, Part 2

So far, my diagnosis only tells me that it's everywhere in my body, because it's (Non-Hodgkins) Lymphoma, Stage 4B. Stage 4 means it's travelled everywhere in my body, via the lymphatic system, the one that produces white blood cells. Instead of fighting off whatever infection comes along, some of these lymphocytes (see have gone over to the dark side, becoming enlarged and creating, rather than solving, problems. (Caution: underinformed, layperson, allegorical talk.)

The diagnosis came from an oncologist via lab analyses of about five bits of my liver via a needle biopsy. Like many with this diagnosis, my only symptoms have been excess fatigue and vague cold-like symptoms. A test for flu was negative. A week of Tamiflu did not help. Unknown: how long I've had it, where it came from, and if there are any solid masses lurking in my body. (A PET scan should reveal anything of that nature, yet to be scheduled.)

On Feb. 24, I will see a second oncologist, and may be immediately scheduled for the prescribed PET scan. This is being done through the VA; when services such as the ones I need are far from home or outside the VA's ability to handle directly, they authorize third parties in my community to take over my care (and fund most or all of it). When analysis of this scan is complete, my oncologist (at Shore Cancer Center, Somers Point, NJ) can put together a treatment plan. I will consider allocations available to me, and remain in control of my own care. I will avoid unproven or dodgy remedies.

As I mentioned in the last post, the first oncologist told me he thinks he can cure me. My sole reason for switching: that oncologist does not work with the VA, and PET scans can be quite expensive. 

A second, and secondary, matter is the question of how I got this lymphoma. I have joined a mass-tort action with thousands of others who suspect it may have started with exposure, years ago, to Monsanto's Roundup (and now, continuing exposure through environmental contamination). As my VA physician pointed out, people have been getting this disease since long before Roundup's invention in the early 70's. Monsanto, now faced with thousands of lawsuits from alleged victims, continues to assert that Roundup is safe for humans. However, at least 5 plaintiffs have been awarded large settlements by juries; one of them will not live to get any money. Monsanto will doubtless follow Exxon's game plan: appeal until all the plaintiffs are dead, and all their survivors are in nursing homes.

Some eye-opening links for the curious:
...and many, many more.

Link #1above and several others contain an interview with a Monsanto spokesman* who asserts that "Roundup is so safe you could drink a quart of it and it wouldn't hurt you." The interviewer, being prepared for this statement somehow (or just calling his bluff) says "We have some here. Would you like to drink some? Answers: 1) I'd be happy to...not really. I know it's safe." 2) "I'm not stupid." 3) I'm not an idiot." It's a must-see.

If you seek to avoid glyphosate by avoiding all GMO foods, beware: some non-GMO foods are deliberately killed by Roundup before harvest. Why? to accelerate the natural drying process for crops that must be dried before harvest (animal feed comes to mind). Yet another reason to go vegan; there's no regulation requiring food producers to reveal their use of Roundup.

Monsanto claims that "over 800 studies" have proven Roundup to be safe. What they don't reveal is a) all these studies were financed by Monsanto, and b) substantial evidence exists (via the legal discovery process) that the studies themselves were ghostwritten by Monsanto employees.

I asked oncologist #1 if one of my liver biopsy samples still out in the field could also be tested for glyphosate contamination. His answer: No Can Do. "I can't order any test (such as a test for glyphosate)  which is not medically indicated." When I persisted, asking if such a test could be done if I thought I'd been poisoned and knew that I'd been exposed to glyphosate (true), his tone changed. "Contact a lawyer." I took his advice, in the form of joining a mass-tort suit to that end. (you can join if you've been exposed. will take your info, as will many other sites. Many, many law firms are eager to be part of  the action. There is no cost to any plaintiff; if they win, you will get some share of the settlement. (Depending on the number of participants, it may be quite small.)

While I will persist in my quest to bring justice to Bayer/Monsanto, I will not let this sidetrack me from getting cured. 

What would justice look like? No amount of compensation will bring back the dead. I propose the "nuclear option:" revoke the Bayer/Monsanto corporate charters, liquidate their assets, and use these funds to heal the surviving victims and remediate the global environmental damage these monsters in nice suits have caused, in their depraved indifference to anything other than enhancing their profits. Those executives not sent to prison must be enjoined from holding any corporate or public office forever, and fined for their complicity in their employers' crimes.

Prosecution should extend to those in "our government" (actually government-services corporations, complete with D&B registrations), such as the FDA official who recently presided over the EPA's decision to reapprove glyphosate for use in the U.S. The decision was accompanied by public comments by Assistant Administrator for the EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, Alexandra Dunn, who stated, "There's no risk to public health from the application of glyphosate." Have a quart, Alexandra.

*Update: the interviewee is unidentified in the linked videos. He has been revealed to be 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Anna, Steele, and Trump (Part 2)

Note: see Anna, Steele, and Trump (Part 1) here.

Last year, I wrote an email to Robert David Steele after seeing the video I referenced in "Part 1." Not only did he kindly answer, but asked my permission to post it on his blog, with my name and humble visage!

Sadly, his reply got lost in my overloaded email, and he published it anyway, as an anonymous "alert reader."

My pride has overwhelmed my immense humility, and I post it here for you to appreciate (or not).

Update: after a note to Robert, he updated the post, de-anonymized me, and added n update about my cancer and the Monsanto suit.

 (Original URL:

Mongoose: Alert Reader on Anna von Reitz

CorruptionCultural IntelligenceGovernmentLaw Enforcement

Alert Reader writes in:
I just saw the YouTube interview you did with Anna, and am glad that you have now “addressed her work,” as well as given your readers links to her books.
I agree with your comments near the end of the video that:
“I absolutely respect your knowledge, and even though I don’t understand it, I have a gut-level appreciation for your intelligence, integrity and imagination, and your voice needs to be heard.”
I felt your pain when you said “…my head hurts. Anna von Reitz, let me say, with absolute clarity, I think you are a very important person, you have done some very important research, and somewhere in our future we need to factor in everything you’ve brought to the table.”
From self-reflection, I think the source of that pain is cognitive dissonance. The core of the knowledge Anna seeks to impart to the public is not technically difficult to understand, but it has been masterfully obscured by the most powerful tools available to the architects of the multi-generational fraud she has helped to uncover: semantic fraud and deception. Beyond the tower of Babel, where multiple languages made communication near-impossible, these architects have corrupted the meanings of words withinlanguages, and given entirely different meanings to words and phrases simply by changes in capitalization. Thus, we are led up blind alleys and into brick walls with signs saying “No Left Turn,” “No Right Turn,” “No U-Turns,” and “No Stopping, Standing or Parking.”
We can walk into what we think are “our” courtrooms, stand before judges, and  lose before the trial begins when we “state our names”—because , by doing so, we unknowingly allow the judge to make the legal presumption that we are consenting to “represent” the Trojan-horse names we were “gifted” with shortly after our births, which were registered, trademarked, patented and traded as securities as various kinds of legal-fiction trusts, legally dead and treated by the Queen as “disregarded entities,” unprotected by any of the three Constitutions protections because those entities “are not a party” to any of them. We might learn later that all of our present “courts” are actually military district tribunals still persisting 150 years after our “civil war.”
We have been taught to believe that all Americans are “United States Citizens,” so we are unaware that most of us have birthrights as “American State Nationals.” We are taught (by omission) that there is only one Constitution (not 3), and only one entity with the (partial) name “United States” (not 3), that our government services are (and must be) funded by taxes, that the stuff in our wallets and bank accounts is “money,” that “government” expenditures always come from “the budget,” that our “courts” are not really OUR courts, and many other misconceptions.
No wonder that most of us, most of the time, literally don’t know what we are talking about.
It will take a major paradigm shift (or two) before we can start talking sense to ourselves and others. We are being tripped up by our own cognitive dissonance.
I still have to remind myself of this fact in my own day-to-day internal dialogues. It’s always easier to see this dissonance in others than in oneself.
I see much of this dissonance in reading your blog (where you provide a venue for other writers), but also in your own writing and projects (like #UNRIG). On the one hand, you correctly portray our phony “2-party system” as “One bird, two wings, same shit.” This portrayal is correct, within the context of what goes on in “our government.” Nevertheless, many blog posts focus on which wing of that bird is telling the truth, or should prevail on this issue or that.
In my own political life, I have been a supporter at different times of Republicans, Conservatives, Berniecrats, and Greens for government offices. However, until I encountered Anna’s work, I did not know enough to ask the question, “which government?” The Municipal United States, the Territorial United States (both incorporated subcontractors), or the employer of each, The United States of America (unincorporated)? The new paradigm changes everything.
The latter (unincorporated) United States, The United States of America, while it never ceased to exist, has no elected officers until We The People finally do  the job of Reconstruction (promised, but never accomplished, after the illegal mercenary conflict which most Americans think of as the American Civil War).
A paradigm shift, indeed. This long-delayed “Reconstruction” is Anna’s final step in restoring the America of We The People to actual self-government. The prerequisite steps are 1) repopulating, in sufficient numbers, The United States of America (unincorporated) with American State Nationals (those who have completed the process outlined at, reconstituting our actual governments l(state, federal and local) via assemblies, and finally electing the first government of, by and for the people in over 150 years.
This paradigm shift will make many projects you and I have embraced in the past (to borrow a word from the Watergate era) “inoperative.” For example, #UNRIG. American State Nationals can volunteer to as American State Citizens, but neither qualify to vote in “elections” of the Municipal or Territorial United States, on any level (as “State” and “Local” “governments” were effectively turned into franchises of the Territorial US when they accepted “revenue sharing” contracts). As a consequence, I will not be voting again until I can vote for a candidate in the reconstructed governments.
I believe even Anna is not immune to cognitive dissonance. She hopes that “The Orange One” will do the right thing, and “choose to occupy the power position of President of The United States of America” (as opposed to mere CEO of the US, Inc.) since he, and the Congress, can and do wear more than one hat. Sadly, The Orange One only knows how to wear one hat (the red one that says “MAGA”). Likewise, you hope that 45 will pay attention to one of your “big ideas” (at and “Triumph in 3 Moves,” even though you’ve observed that he’s an extremely poor listener (because he must pretend to himself and others that he already knows everything).
For my part, I will follow Anna’s master plan, detailed at
Ahh, politics without cognitive dissonance!
Repeating your quote from the fourth paragraph above,
“I absolutely respect your knowledge, and even though I don’t understand it, I have a gut-level appreciation for your intelligence, integrity and imagination, and your voice needs to be heard.”
You and I are more than smart enough to understand the core of Anna’s work. The problem she presents is that accepting the new paradigm requires, for anyone willing to do so, abandoning a tremendous investment in what turns out to have been in error. I look at all the work you have done to change the world for the better and can hardly imagine your anguish at this prospect.
Perhaps we should adopt the attitude of the monks who spend countless hours at crafting beautiful and intricate mandalas of sand, then brush that sand back into one small container (or let it be blown to the four winds). Such is life; such is progress. Admittedly, an UNRIG motor home is more costly than a handful of colored sand, but it could be rebranded and/or repurposed.

Referenced interview:

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

My Cancer, Part 1

What's it like to be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer? One week ago, after 6 days in the ER, an oncologist told me the bad news and the good news. Bad: "You have Stage 4B Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma." The good: "We can cure you." I hope he's right.

As you’d expect, I’ve spent some time since researching the problem. Most folks with this diagnosis have swollen and/or painful lymph glands. Not me. Like some, my only symptom so far has been the one we all get: low energy and recurring or constant fatigue. No pain anywhere, and no tumors showing up in CT scans or ultrasound.

The diagnosis came after a CT scan showed lesions in my liver; a  needle biopsy was distributed to at least 3 labs, including the Mayo Clinic. 

I await scheduling for a head-to-toe PET scan which should show everything that’s anything in my body. I’m hoping the VA will cover the cost. A treatment plan will come after the PET scan results.

In the meantime, my research continues. as a “fan” of Anna von Reitz, David Wilcock and others, I’m aware of many alternative cures being deliberately kept secret from the public at large, for a variety of reasons (none of them warranted or legitimate). The ultimate cure is to cure oneself through the power of the mind. I’m confident that such things are possible, not for religious reasons, but based on science.

Questions and comments are welcome from any and all sources. If you feel moved to pray for me, I’m OK with that. If the ultimate news is the worst-case scenario, I’m OK with that too. I’m the only “atheist” you’re likely to meet who believes (based on science) that reincarnation, and the strong possibility of “ascension,” is real. I’ve had a good life, and am ready for whatever comes my way.

A mass thank-you goes out to all those who have already wished me well, even before I finished this comment.

Handy hints for earthlings who wish to avoid enslavement and death

Introduction About the Author: I'm an earthling, as far as I know (which is not much, as evidenced by the title of this blog), age 78 as...