Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hello, Reddit (and Team Human)

(Team Human Reddit post #1, in italics, and followup)

I’m new to the Team Human podcast (and Reddit account, and Twitter feed). I once had a blog I called “Everything I Knew Was Wrong.” (Can you tell I’m a fan of the Firesign Theater?) I discontinued it to fight an illegal foreclosure for four years (I lost).

I’ve now restarted it, at (the URL is missing the “v” in “everything,” and I can’t find a way to fix it, but the title is correct. The original blog can be found by the terminally curious on, at

Expanding on the title of this (Reddit) post: “To solve a problem, it must be correctly identified. Those who created our worst problem are masters of disguise.” Most of us (including the creators of Team Human and most of their podcast guests) have been misled by over 150 years of false history and the most pernicious type of deception: control of our language. Many words in common usage have been redefined to have completely different meanings in law. As a result, we literally don’t know who we are anymore.

Here’s a short list of things you probably think you know for a certainty which are untrue, and are costing you everything you have or will ever have:

1—Having been born in the United States, I am a United States Citizen.
2—All Americans owe income tax.
3—I have money in my wallet (or purse), and/or money in a bank or credit union.
4—As a concerned, politically-aware American, I vote for my representatives in every election.
5—Like it or not, we have a two-party system in this country.
6—Our national budget determines what we can afford to spend for all government functions.
7—Ideally, this budget should be balanced, and “deficit spending” should be avoided if possible.
8—As a United States Citizen, I enjoy constitutional rights.

Base your thinking, political action and problem-solving efforts on these premises, and everything you know (and do) will also be wrong.

Near the end of the Firesign Theater album “Everything You Know is Wrong,” the narrator declares (discovering some of his errors): “I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong!” Been there, done that. Hence, my reborn blog v. 2.0.

I will add a post to my new blog to explain why the eight “certainties” above are wrong. The answers are all available at the website which prompted me to restart my blog, if you search for them. The post will guide you to the answers. The site is

[(First, for those who go directly to Anna for the info, some words of explanation and caution. For those who don't go there first, slip this bracketed section or refer to it before you do.) 

There are now at least four places to find that info on the web: the primary site, and (both compiled by Paul Stramer), Anna's Facebook page (, and (focused on those familiar with Anna's work who wish to press forward with her recommendations on how to declare their  true political status—American State National, not any type of "US Citizen"—and join together for the necessary next steps to reconstitute our lawful governments as unincorporated entities).

The primary site is structured as one page, with drop-down subheads at the top as well as two search tools to find info by various criteria, introductory text and videos, links to her books and more. Make use of these tools before diving in to the numbered articles which follow. When I first discovered this site, there were about 250 articles; now there are over 2,000. That's why the introductory articles and search tools are important.

The blog, unlike the primary site, usually includes the dates of posting and is structured like most Blogger sites. Also unlike the primary site, the articles are followed by reader comments of all sorts, which can be distracting. In addition to Anna's articles, Paul Stramer also adds his own contributions and guest posts which do not necessarily comport with Anna's writings. The Facebook page also includes comments. Paul Stramer adds these posts to the primary site a day or two after they're posted, but without the comments.

General web searches for Anna's writings will return sites which have copied her articles; some of these sites contain other material which Anna would not endorse or which contradict her work. (Sometimes Anna will post rebuttals to misinfo/disinfo about her articles on her Facebook page.) A few of these sites once championed Anna's work, then decided that she had made serious errors, and posted "correcting" materials; some of her "followers" have gone their own way, and have either gone to jail and/or put their followers in peril of prosecution. Among these folk are Bruce Doucette, the NLA (, and the MGJA  ( Anna once recommended the latter, and now has offered her own site as a replacement (]

Now, as I promised on Reddit, here's why I believe the eight “certainties” above are wrong, informed mostly by what I found at Anna's site. My statements below can be confirmed (or not) by your own research on Anna's site and elsewhere.

1) "Having been born in the United States, I am a United States Citizen."

As your Birth Certificate shows (if you were native-born), you were born somewhere within one of the 50 states of the union. "The United States" is a legal fiction. There are three legal entities bearing this name, defined in law, and you were not born "in" any of these legal fictions, but on the land and soil of one of these 50 states (each its own "nation"). This means that unless special circumstances place you under the jurisdiction of one of these entities, you are not a "US Citizen." Why should this make a difference to you? One reason: all US Citizens are subject to the Income Tax; non-citizens are not. (Anna has not paid any for 20 years, and the IRS leaves her alone.)

2) "All Americans owe income tax."

That depends on what you mean by "American." If you conflate that term with "US Citizen," the answer is yes. If you are, however, an "American State National" (see Anna's site), the answer is no.

3) "I have money in my wallet (or purse), and/or money in a bank or credit union."

It sure looks like money. It is, by law, "legal tender." However, it does not meet the law's definition of "Lawful Money" (a dollar is defined in terms of a specific amount of silver). The "dollars" in your wallet and bank account are "Federal Reserve Notes," which are evidence of debt. Your checkbook "money" is legally presumed to be such debt, which banks hold as their assets, instead of (as you probably thought) "your money"—unless you take advantage of 12 USC section 411, and endorse all deposits in your accounts as "Redeemed in lawful money pursuant to 12 USC section 411." This will force your bank to denominate your funds in real dollars instead of debt certificates. 

When the economy expands, more "money" is required to meet circulation demand. Where does this "new money" come from? Before the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the government itself issued new currency; since then, the Fed creates new currency every time "money" is borrowed, then lends 9 more dollars for every new "dollar" issued. Small wonder, then, that a "dollar" issued in 1913 is now worth about four cents.

Stop thinking of "money" as something that governs the world economy. Everything, everywhere (with a few notable exceptions) is credit and debt. Every "dollar" of debt created is balanced by a corresponding credit. (Who "owns" the credit? Look in the mirror. But that's another story.)

4) "As a concerned, politically-aware American, I vote for my representatives in every election."

You may be "politically-aware" in your current view, but here's the thing: the "government" you elect does not represent you. On the surface, even if it was what you think it is, this "government's" elections are rigged 12 ways (see But, it's not what you think it is. It's now a nested set (federal, state and local) of government-services corporations, masquerading as our lawful governments. Worse, all of the courts run by these corporations have no jurisdiction over living beings, only over legal-fiction corporations and trusts. They pretend to have jurisdiction by pretending that we are legal fictions. How have they done this? How can we fix this? Not by voting for new corporate officers in their elections. Not by expecting their courts to give us justice. (See Anna's website.) 

(When first I heard the assertion that "all governments are corporations," I thought it was nonsense. Then I looked them up on Dun & Bradstreet. Try it yourself.)

5) "Like it or not, we have a two-party system in this country."

This assertion is used to paint "third parties" as useless at best, dangerous at worst. George Washington and other of our Founders thought political parties were a bad idea. In the context of "governments as corporations," we can see today's "parties for what they are: competing, private lobbying groups owned by huge private corporations (and often foreign multinational conglomerates). In fact, they don't so much compete as collude for mutual benefit, while maintaining a public appearance of opposing each other on hot-button issues, to provide the electorate with the illusion of choice. It's a game of divide-and-conquer, heads-we-win and tails-you-lose. The solution? Reject rule by kleptocracy and return to actual self-governance. How? See Anna's site.

6) "Our national budget determines what we can afford to spend for all government functions."

Again, stop thinking in terms of "money;" the global economy now runs almost entirely on credit and debt. The "national budget" presents a false picture of the resources actually available to our government-services corporations. A more accurate picture comes from the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports generated by each government-services corporation, by law. (See
Funny, how we can't seem to afford to fund a proper safety net for the health and welfare of the men, women and children of "the richest country on earth," yet we can always afford to fund billion-dollar war machines at a level beyond even what the military-industrial complex asks for. We must think in real terms of the system we have, credit-and-debt, and determine who owns each. We The People own the credit, because only living people can create wealth, and "the banks" are responsible for the debt. Again, see Anna's site for the details.

7) "Ideally, this budget should be balanced, and “deficit spending” should be avoided if possible."

In light of #6, this thought does not reference reality and becomes irrelevant.

8) "As a United States Citizen, I enjoy constitutional rights."

As I mentioned above, you are probably not a "United States Citizen." If you are, you are under the jurisdiction of our current courts, which hold sway only over legal fictions. As such, you have only "Civil Rights," granted to you by government-services corporations (including the courts), which can be withdrawn by law at any time. Further, American State Nationals do not obtain their rights from the Constitution, but from Natural Law. The Constitution (actually, there are three, but that's another story) does not guarantee rights to We The People. They serve to define and limit the powers of the Federal Government (all three branches—again, another story), not establish rights. The Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments) was an afterthought, specifying what the new Federal Government could not do, and was not the core purpose of the Constitution(s).

When the American Revolutionaries threw off the yoke of King George (and his Sovereign control of the colonies), every native-born American (at least the white, male property-owners) became "sovereigns without subjects." As we begin the task of reconstituting our sovereign, unincorporated  governments, we can extend that joint sovereignty to those previously excluded because of their gender, color or ownership of property. Once we get there, we can reallocate the credit we are owed to achieve  a society more egalitarian than any imagined by "socialists," and heal this tattered and broken planet. For starters, Anna knows of about $23 trillion. That should be enough of an incentive for many readers of this post to check out the body of her work, and, if they agree, join her in this project.

(Especially the leadership and members of Team Human. Let's all recognize the most pernicious type of deception—control of our language—break through the old paradigms, and heal the planet.)

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