Thursday, December 12, 2019

Anna, Steele, and Trump (Part 1)

(Edited on 7/6/20)

I have followed Anna Von Reitz ( for years, and am convinced that her overall take on our history and her program for Americans to reassert their actual status as American State Nationals (and the steps she recommends to get there) is the only way forward to regain our sovereignty and fire the employees of our government-services corporations who’ve been pretending to be our actual government. All other attempts to “save” or “take back our government" are  misplaced and futile, as our actual government must be repopulated with American State Citizens as we again become a self-governing people.

She has stated in many articles that, once we Americans assert our status as American State Nationals (ASNs) and reject our Trojan-Horse "gift" of "US Citizenship", we cannot even claim to be eligible to vote in “their” elections; only American Citizens qualify as voters in these elections, and we cannot (as ASNs) hold dual citizenship (although US Citizens can). Indeed, part of any American’s declaration of their status as an American State National is removing themselves from the voting rolls, so they cannot be accused of holding an inconsistent position (or of committing  “voting fraud”).

All of a sudden, all debates about which “political parties” (actually corporate lobbies) deserve our loyalty, whether or not Trump should be impeached, or which Democratic hopeful should win the nomination, become moot. All this brouhaha simply does not concern us.

What should we do to “save the country,” if we can’t vote in these corporate elections? Search her main website (, or see the subsidiary site for the complete program.

As Anna has reminded us, she is human, not infallible or omniscient. The catalogue of articles on her webpage, growing at times by multiple Facebook posts per day and now numbering over 2,000, is bound to include a few posts containing opinions which, while not necessarily contradicting the main body of her work, might upset some of her “followers” who hold different opinions (such as me, on occasion) and be inconsistent with her core views.

Until now, I have refrained from expressing my differences of opinion, as they have not seemed important or relevant to Anna’s core messages. However, when some of her opinions seem to contradict parts of that message, they may cause some to become distracted from the truth (and urgency) of that core. Therefore, I reluctantly present my concerns about one of these opinions.

None of us are free of prejudice and beliefs colored by a lifetime of dealing with the challenges of swimming in a sea of distorted views, promulgated by powerful members of the media and our educational establishment. I know of no exceptions, including myself. For example, I am the son of an anti-union businessman, a staunch Republican, and campaigned for Goldwater. (Youngsters, look him up.) I later became a Libertarian, was a member of the John Birch Society, and in 2016 became a registered Democrat so I could campaign for Bernie. After the DNC and Co. stole his nomination, I became a Green and campaigned for Jill Stein. Once it sank in that, as an American State National, I am not eligible to vote in our current “government’s”  corporate “elections,”  a great sense of relief has washed over me (along with my looking forward to becoming an elector in our first “real” elections since the “Civil War”).

Here’s the rub: Anna and another person I greatly admire, Robert David Steele, share an erroneous judgment of, and hope for, Donald Trump: that he deserves our support against those who want him removed from office, and that supporters of impeachment are effectively supporters of a coup.

I once emailed Steele, asking if he was familiar with Anna’s work. He replied that he was, but was not prepared to address her work at that time.

Today, I viewed a video of an interview of Anna by Mr. Steele ( I believe the video counts as “addressing her work.” While, as far as I know, Steele has not endorsed Anna’s view of her “way forward” out of our current rule-by-kleptocrats, but he has recommended her books to his viewers at the end of the video. 

Steele has endorsed “on a gut level” the core of Anna’s views, but claims to not understand that core on an intellectual level (echoing a  quote from Monty Python’s “Gumby Theatre”: “My brain hurts!”) I empathize with his pain; I have felt it myself, as a full understanding of Anna’s information requires a massive “unlearning” of false paradigms deeply ingrained in our worldview by the self-interested kleptocrats who engineered them into place over the lifetimes of several generations.

What have Anna (and Steele) said about Trump with which I disagree? 

I’ll start with some of her statements in article #2163 (A Reply for "No One”— The Proof is in the Pudding).

  • “Donald Trump is unique in my experience of Presidents—and that now goes back sixty years—in that he has kept or made very good faith effort to keep every single one of his campaign promises.“
While this sounds like a direct quote from Trump-supporting talking points, not knowing what promises she’s referencing makes a proper reply difficult. I am familiar with a number of promises which he did not keep, like not constantly golfing (“like Obama”) because “he wouldn’t have time.” (He’s not only spent a record amount of time golfing, at tremendous public expense, but used his own golf courses so he’d profit from his own recreation.) He has, however, kept many promises to his patrons in the corporate world, by appointing opponents of the existence of certain Federal agencies to head those agencies. If he had promised to blame and punish poor people for their poverty, and demonized immigrants for being an existential threat to our nation, he has done a good job of that. (Recently, he attacked “Dreamers” for being an increased risk for criminal behavior, despite statistics showing they are more law abiding than most Americans.)

  • “This is not the modus operandi of a ‘rat.’ That is evidence of an honorable man.”
An honorable man would not earn epithets like “Pussy-grabber-in-chief,” pay off women who have claimed to have affairs with him (instead of suing them for libel), use bankruptcy as a business plan, stiff the suppliers and subcontractors of his casinos, turn profiting from his business enterprises while in office into a high art, scam students into paying for making him their mentor in a phony university (then losing a related lawsuit)…I could go on, but calling Trump an honorable man is a stretch.

  • “(Trump) has chosen the pedophiles (to take down first), wisely (because they can then be removed from their positions in banking, records administration, Congress, the military, courts, etc.)
A laudable action on his part (to the extent that it's true), and the primary reason for the praise he's received from "Q-anon." However, after firing most of his cabinet, usually as a result of their being exposed for corruption or incompetence, or simply for their refusal to be "loyal" and lie for him (or violate their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution), Trump has replaced them with “acting” appointees, avoiding the bother of having them confirmed by Congress, and put them in charge of the agencies his corporate controllers wish to dismantle (where they are happily doing that job for him). Our national parks are being decimated for the profit of his cronies and sponsors; even the land around the Grand Canyon is not safe from depredation. The Alaska Wildlife Refuge is slated to become another corporate profit center for land and offshore oil drillers.

As Anna has pointed out, Trump is not “our President” as most Americans still think of him, but the CEO of the United States, Inc. She’s stated (in article 2172) that he can, at any time (after correcting his political status), put on the hat of the “power position” of President of The United States of America (unincorporated) and begin to dismantle the corporate “government agencies” which have  no authority from our actual government. (Some, but not all, of those agencies should be cut back or eliminated, but not all, particularly those which protect the environment and public health.) Is Trump a man who might be inclined to take on this "power position?" Perhaps, if only as a defense against being impeached as the elected President of the Municipal United States Government doing business as "the" United States. 

Anna: “In that Superior Office (President of The United States of America), he can order the evacuation and quarantine of Washington, DC. He can also arrest any Municipal Officials caught operating outside the Boundary Stones marking the original "one mile square.” 

Who, other than Anna and perhaps Steele, can imagine The Real Donald Trump carrying out such an act?

In article 2171, “Impeached For Doing His Job,” Anna states, “Biden asked for and got money. Lots of money. All Trump asked for is information regarding possible criminal activity by a former VP ---- which is his right and his job, folks. It's what he should be doing.” So why didn’t Trump do what seems logical and proper: ask his Attorney General, Barr, to investigate? Why pressure a foreign government to do the job, if not to make the investigation look less like a political hatchet job?

I could add other defenses of Trump by Anna which seem out of place in her overall view of our current “political theater,” but these few should serve to illustrate the disconnect I perceive between Anna’s core views and what seem like remnants of an older “legacy” worldview.

Anna’s primary goal, restoring the functioning of our actual unincorporated government, is not well served by her unrealistic hopes for Trump to "do the right thing." Trump reinforces the impression that he retains his grip on his core characteristics: bully, narcissist, sociopathic kleptocrat—while losing his grip on reality with rambling, mad-lib discourses on random subjects such as water shortages. It might be more appropriate for Trump to be removed under the 25th Amendment (see than by impeachment and removal by our corporate Senate, an unlikely scenario. Even if, as Robert Reich hopes, this scenario can be successful, we will still be in the position of being governed by our corporate employees.

We all need to follow the program Anna has laid out for us to become a self-governing nation again. as Anna keeps reminding us, we must do this job ourselves. No corporate-CEO “president” can do it for us.

Friday, October 11, 2019

My recent court appearance, and what it means for you

What happens when you assert your status in court (as a non-citizen American State National)?

Here I am at the beginning of my "new identity" as an American State National, armed with the documents published in the first post of this blog. As a result of a traffic stop, I was presented with the opportunity to get these documents filed into a court of public record. Here's what happened:

I was pulled over for not signaling a lane change, and issued a warning. However, I was issued a ticket for failing to have my registration card on my person. The fine was $180! The officer volunteered the information that, if I came to court, sometimes the judge was lenient and would waive the charge, and I would only pay court costs (about $30). I got a date for a court appearance, and showed up.

Documents in hand, my name was called ("John Spencer," my "legal" name). The judge said "state your name." I replied with the name family and friends have always used, "Jay Spencer." When asked about the discrepancy, I replied that I was a victim of identity theft ( a very concise way to characterize the situation), and that I had paperwork to enter into the court record which would fully explain the situation.

The judge stated that she could only file papers if I went to trial. I said, "Fine. please schedule me for trial." She did (later, by mail).

When the trial date came, I appeared. I got my name on the list of persons present by showing a clerk my ID (driver's license). The clerk asked the nature of the case; I replied, "identity theft." There was some confusion on his part; "Isn't this your name on the license?" "No," I replied. I repeated that my paperwork would explain everything.

Before it was my turn to come before the judge, another clerk motioned me up to the bar, and quietly told me, "the judge has dismissed your case." "Can I still speak to the judge?" "Yes," she replied.

My turn came, and again the judge said "State your name." I again replied "Jay Spencer." She stated, "You know I have dismissed your case?" I said "Yes, but I would still like my paperwork entered in the record." She replied, "I can't do that, since there is no case."

I asked, "is there any way to get this matter entered into the court record?" Reply: "you could file a police report." I kept a straight face. She said I would be provided a document which would formalize the disposition of the case. Here it is:

Enlargement reveals that the case was dismissed due to "prosecutor's discretion." No fine, no court costs. It's as if the whole thing never happened. They passed on the opportunity to collect revenue (their primary, if not only, mission) of about $210. Why? My "take" on the matter: there was no way they wanted to allow my documents to be filed into the court record, records which they never looked at. I think some bar attorney on the scene knew what they were, and "urged" the judge to dismiss the case.

The reader may or may not agree with me, but I view the whole affair as a validation of the power of declaring one's status as an American State National in the public record, and another reason for me to trust the core material on Anna's websites.

A final observation: the court already knows the identity of the persons (I use that term advisedly, as opposed to 'people," appearing before them). Why do they always ask that "person" to state their name for the official record, verbally? Could Anna von Reitz (and many others) be correct in their knowledge that they must get the subject of that question to self-identify as the person (legal fiction) about which the legal presumption is made that they are (an impossibility) or are the representative (an undisclosed and fraudulent trap) of that legal fiction? Those who reach the same conclusion as does Anna von Reitz may look forward to similar experiences in court.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hello, Reddit (and Team Human)

(Team Human Reddit post #1, in italics, and followup)

I’m new to the Team Human podcast (and Reddit account, and Twitter feed). I once had a blog I called “Everything I Knew Was Wrong.” (Can you tell I’m a fan of the Firesign Theater?) I discontinued it to fight an illegal foreclosure for four years (I lost).

I’ve now restarted it, at (the URL is missing the “v” in “everything,” and I can’t find a way to fix it, but the title is correct. The original blog can be found by the terminally curious on, at

Expanding on the title of this (Reddit) post: “To solve a problem, it must be correctly identified. Those who created our worst problem are masters of disguise.” Most of us (including the creators of Team Human and most of their podcast guests) have been misled by over 150 years of false history and the most pernicious type of deception: control of our language. Many words in common usage have been redefined to have completely different meanings in law. As a result, we literally don’t know who we are anymore.

Here’s a short list of things you probably think you know for a certainty which are untrue, and are costing you everything you have or will ever have:

1—Having been born in the United States, I am a United States Citizen.
2—All Americans owe income tax.
3—I have money in my wallet (or purse), and/or money in a bank or credit union.
4—As a concerned, politically-aware American, I vote for my representatives in every election.
5—Like it or not, we have a two-party system in this country.
6—Our national budget determines what we can afford to spend for all government functions.
7—Ideally, this budget should be balanced, and “deficit spending” should be avoided if possible.
8—As a United States Citizen, I enjoy constitutional rights.

Base your thinking, political action and problem-solving efforts on these premises, and everything you know (and do) will also be wrong.

Near the end of the Firesign Theater album “Everything You Know is Wrong,” the narrator declares (discovering some of his errors): “I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong!” Been there, done that. Hence, my reborn blog v. 2.0.

I will add a post to my new blog to explain why the eight “certainties” above are wrong. The answers are all available at the website which prompted me to restart my blog, if you search for them. The post will guide you to the answers. The site is

[(First, for those who go directly to Anna for the info, some words of explanation and caution. For those who don't go there first, slip this bracketed section or refer to it before you do.) 

There are now at least four places to find that info on the web: the primary site, and (both compiled by Paul Stramer), Anna's Facebook page (, and (focused on those familiar with Anna's work who wish to press forward with her recommendations on how to declare their  true political status—American State National, not any type of "US Citizen"—and join together for the necessary next steps to reconstitute our lawful governments as unincorporated entities).

The primary site is structured as one page, with drop-down subheads at the top as well as two search tools to find info by various criteria, introductory text and videos, links to her books and more. Make use of these tools before diving in to the numbered articles which follow. When I first discovered this site, there were about 250 articles; now there are over 2,000. That's why the introductory articles and search tools are important.

The blog, unlike the primary site, usually includes the dates of posting and is structured like most Blogger sites. Also unlike the primary site, the articles are followed by reader comments of all sorts, which can be distracting. In addition to Anna's articles, Paul Stramer also adds his own contributions and guest posts which do not necessarily comport with Anna's writings. The Facebook page also includes comments. Paul Stramer adds these posts to the primary site a day or two after they're posted, but without the comments.

General web searches for Anna's writings will return sites which have copied her articles; some of these sites contain other material which Anna would not endorse or which contradict her work. (Sometimes Anna will post rebuttals to misinfo/disinfo about her articles on her Facebook page.) A few of these sites once championed Anna's work, then decided that she had made serious errors, and posted "correcting" materials; some of her "followers" have gone their own way, and have either gone to jail and/or put their followers in peril of prosecution. Among these folk are Bruce Doucette, the NLA (, and the MGJA  ( Anna once recommended the latter, and now has offered her own site as a replacement (]

Now, as I promised on Reddit, here's why I believe the eight “certainties” above are wrong, informed mostly by what I found at Anna's site. My statements below can be confirmed (or not) by your own research on Anna's site and elsewhere.

1) "Having been born in the United States, I am a United States Citizen."

As your Birth Certificate shows (if you were native-born), you were born somewhere within one of the 50 states of the union. "The United States" is a legal fiction. There are three legal entities bearing this name, defined in law, and you were not born "in" any of these legal fictions, but on the land and soil of one of these 50 states (each its own "nation"). This means that unless special circumstances place you under the jurisdiction of one of these entities, you are not a "US Citizen." Why should this make a difference to you? One reason: all US Citizens are subject to the Income Tax; non-citizens are not. (Anna has not paid any for 20 years, and the IRS leaves her alone.)

2) "All Americans owe income tax."

That depends on what you mean by "American." If you conflate that term with "US Citizen," the answer is yes. If you are, however, an "American State National" (see Anna's site), the answer is no.

3) "I have money in my wallet (or purse), and/or money in a bank or credit union."

It sure looks like money. It is, by law, "legal tender." However, it does not meet the law's definition of "Lawful Money" (a dollar is defined in terms of a specific amount of silver). The "dollars" in your wallet and bank account are "Federal Reserve Notes," which are evidence of debt. Your checkbook "money" is legally presumed to be such debt, which banks hold as their assets, instead of (as you probably thought) "your money"—unless you take advantage of 12 USC section 411, and endorse all deposits in your accounts as "Redeemed in lawful money pursuant to 12 USC section 411." This will force your bank to denominate your funds in real dollars instead of debt certificates. 

When the economy expands, more "money" is required to meet circulation demand. Where does this "new money" come from? Before the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the government itself issued new currency; since then, the Fed creates new currency every time "money" is borrowed, then lends 9 more dollars for every new "dollar" issued. Small wonder, then, that a "dollar" issued in 1913 is now worth about four cents.

Stop thinking of "money" as something that governs the world economy. Everything, everywhere (with a few notable exceptions) is credit and debt. Every "dollar" of debt created is balanced by a corresponding credit. (Who "owns" the credit? Look in the mirror. But that's another story.)

4) "As a concerned, politically-aware American, I vote for my representatives in every election."

You may be "politically-aware" in your current view, but here's the thing: the "government" you elect does not represent you. On the surface, even if it was what you think it is, this "government's" elections are rigged 12 ways (see But, it's not what you think it is. It's now a nested set (federal, state and local) of government-services corporations, masquerading as our lawful governments. Worse, all of the courts run by these corporations have no jurisdiction over living beings, only over legal-fiction corporations and trusts. They pretend to have jurisdiction by pretending that we are legal fictions. How have they done this? How can we fix this? Not by voting for new corporate officers in their elections. Not by expecting their courts to give us justice. (See Anna's website.) 

(When first I heard the assertion that "all governments are corporations," I thought it was nonsense. Then I looked them up on Dun & Bradstreet. Try it yourself.)

5) "Like it or not, we have a two-party system in this country."

This assertion is used to paint "third parties" as useless at best, dangerous at worst. George Washington and other of our Founders thought political parties were a bad idea. In the context of "governments as corporations," we can see today's "parties for what they are: competing, private lobbying groups owned by huge private corporations (and often foreign multinational conglomerates). In fact, they don't so much compete as collude for mutual benefit, while maintaining a public appearance of opposing each other on hot-button issues, to provide the electorate with the illusion of choice. It's a game of divide-and-conquer, heads-we-win and tails-you-lose. The solution? Reject rule by kleptocracy and return to actual self-governance. How? See Anna's site.

6) "Our national budget determines what we can afford to spend for all government functions."

Again, stop thinking in terms of "money;" the global economy now runs almost entirely on credit and debt. The "national budget" presents a false picture of the resources actually available to our government-services corporations. A more accurate picture comes from the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports generated by each government-services corporation, by law. (See
Funny, how we can't seem to afford to fund a proper safety net for the health and welfare of the men, women and children of "the richest country on earth," yet we can always afford to fund billion-dollar war machines at a level beyond even what the military-industrial complex asks for. We must think in real terms of the system we have, credit-and-debt, and determine who owns each. We The People own the credit, because only living people can create wealth, and "the banks" are responsible for the debt. Again, see Anna's site for the details.

7) "Ideally, this budget should be balanced, and “deficit spending” should be avoided if possible."

In light of #6, this thought does not reference reality and becomes irrelevant.

8) "As a United States Citizen, I enjoy constitutional rights."

As I mentioned above, you are probably not a "United States Citizen." If you are, you are under the jurisdiction of our current courts, which hold sway only over legal fictions. As such, you have only "Civil Rights," granted to you by government-services corporations (including the courts), which can be withdrawn by law at any time. Further, American State Nationals do not obtain their rights from the Constitution, but from Natural Law. The Constitution (actually, there are three, but that's another story) does not guarantee rights to We The People. They serve to define and limit the powers of the Federal Government (all three branches—again, another story), not establish rights. The Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments) was an afterthought, specifying what the new Federal Government could not do, and was not the core purpose of the Constitution(s).

When the American Revolutionaries threw off the yoke of King George (and his Sovereign control of the colonies), every native-born American (at least the white, male property-owners) became "sovereigns without subjects." As we begin the task of reconstituting our sovereign, unincorporated  governments, we can extend that joint sovereignty to those previously excluded because of their gender, color or ownership of property. Once we get there, we can reallocate the credit we are owed to achieve  a society more egalitarian than any imagined by "socialists," and heal this tattered and broken planet. For starters, Anna knows of about $23 trillion. That should be enough of an incentive for many readers of this post to check out the body of her work, and, if they agree, join her in this project.

(Especially the leadership and members of Team Human. Let's all recognize the most pernicious type of deception—control of our language—break through the old paradigms, and heal the planet.)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I was right. Everything I knew was wrong.

Once upon a time, I had a blog called "Everything I Knew Was Wrong." I deleted it when I began to spend all my time trying to save my house from an illegal foreclosure. (What survived can be seen archived on the Wayback Machine, here.) 

I now have a reason to start it again, after an eight-year hiatus. I have told those who asked what caused me to delete it that, were I to restart the blog, I would have to start fresh; many of the "wrong" things I "corrected," if not completely wrong, were incomplete or came from faulty premises. The "truth" is, therefore, a moving target. I will periodically be reviewing these posts to update my "truth," as the target moves.

Those willing to examine a new paradigm should see this website: Of course, not everything Anna writes or says is correct, in my humble opinion. I am now critiquing many of her posts, starting from #2548, and may post a running summary of these comments in a future post. When she's focused on the main purpose of her work, restoring true self-government to our nation, she continues to prove to me that her new paradigm is correct and that the way forward she has mapped out is the right path to follow.

Any new idea or new paradigm must meet the test of its practical application beyond a thought experiment (validation by results). Anna Von Reitz is a grandmother from Big Lake, Alaska, who has not paid federal income tax for over 20 years. The IRS won't touch her; the only plausible reason is that she is correct in her conclusion that she owes none. This is one of the reasons she has passed my test of validation by results. There's a lot of misinformation about the true nature of our income tax, and many have gone to prison as a result of following bogus advice. (one of these "gurus" is Pete Hendrickson, who remains certain that his interpretation of "the law" is correct, even after he spent time in prison as a result.) My archived blog has more information about the results of my once following his advice. Others have followed "patriot gurus" into legal trouble and unfairly blamed Anna, even after failing to take her cautionary advice. 

Millions have read her books and follow her on Facebook; many also read each new post on her searchable website (above), now rapidly approaching 2,000. There are many "gurus" who have counseled their readers to not pay income tax, and many of these gurus have spent time in jail. While many fear the IRS (with justification), the IRS fears her. Yet, providing relief from IRS harassment is not her core mission. She has discovered injustices that dwarf the issue of who owes tax, and who does not; a scam of historic and global scale, affecting everyone on the planet; more importantly, she has crafted a solution that will change the course of history and enables a new era of peace, prosperity and justice, planet-wide.

This solution is made possible by the Achilles Heel of the scammers: the scam is all built on a foundation of fraud and semantic deception. Once the nature of this deception becomes widely known, the solution becomes almost self-evident. Her use of the term "semantic deception" is telling: the meanings of many words and terms have been altered to control our reality; words such as Citizen, United States, government, the three branches of government, the Constitution, person, corporation, and many more have been legally redefined, so that when we hear or read them we assume they still retain their common meaning. These words and "terms of art" have been used as weapons against us, without our knowledge. Until we learn their (altered) legal meaning, we have no knowledge of or defense against this invisible scam.

We The People think we have Constitutional rights; this is a misunderstanding. The rights of the People come directly from nature (or if you prefer, "Nature's God.") The Constitutions (there are actually three, one for each actual branch of our central government: Federal, Territorial, and Municipal) were all created as contracts to specify and limit the roles and powers of these three branches. 

Over the history of our country, the governmental-services corporations which these Constitutions created and defined (the Territorial and Municipal branches) have morphed into foreign forms which have usurped powers not delegated to them from the Federal branch; the Civil War (which was of a different nature than that recorded in our history books) marked the usurpation by these two subsidiary branches of the powers officially reserved to the Federal; all three branches derive their power from the States.

The bottom line: our very identities were stolen by these rogue branches, making us their slaves instead of their creators and employers. The remedy: take back our true identities as sovereigns-without-subjects and set the stage for restoring true self-governance. 

Anna's main website has the full story; I've only touched on it here. She now has an additional website to help her readers generate and file the paperwork necessary enabling us to assert our true status as American State Nationals, and rebut the presumptions of our de facto courts that we are "United States Citizens:" 

This mission is the reason I have restarted my blog. The blog will also serve to substitute for a government service that our "public servants" declined to provide me (at least in Atlantic County, New Jersey, where I now have my domicile): recording the necessary documents in the local Land Records office. Fortunately, there are alternate ways to get these documents recorded and available on the internet. (The latest method is recording with a new service being developed by the State Assemblies; see the link above for details.)

One method is to use the USPS registered mail system, which I have done. This method will make the documents Public Record, but is only useful if one is hauled into (de facto) court. Another is to publish the documents in the Legal Notices section of your local paper. However, due to the number of pages and words involved, this method can become very expensive, and it is necessary for those who wish to view the documents (after the notices are no longer available on paper) to search online for those legal notices in that local paper.
Here's where this blog comes in handy. To reduce the cost of this third method, I can publish only an abstract summary of the documents as legal notices, with embedded web links to the full documents. And, here they are below, as text-only, with images of the eight notarized documents below them.

This blog article can be accessed anywhere there is internet access, and can be shown to anyone who needs to see what has been lawfully recorded via the Registered Mail method, without having to open the registered envelope. Below are the text versions of these documents, followed by image files of the actual notarized versions. Again, the .net link above has a streamlined, single-document approach.


(Document 1) 
Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance

I, the living man, John Fulton Spencer, Jr., being of age, of sound mind and in good health, free of all duress or improper consideration hereby acknowledge, accept, and re-convey my given lawful Trade Name, John F. Spencer, Jr. to the land and soil of Pennsylvania, my native state, together with all derivative names, including  JOHN SPENCER, JOHN F. SPENCER, JOHN F. SPENCER, JR. SPENCER, JR. JOHN F., JOHN SPENCER, JR., JOHN FULTON SPENCER, JOHN FULTON SPENCER, JR., Jay Spencer, and all other variations however styled, punctuated, spelled, ordered, or otherwise represented as pertaining to me and my estate, and hereby declare their permanent domicile on the land and soil of Pennsylvania. 

All prior Powers of Attorney, all other prior presumed or granted Executorships, Guardianships, and Agency relationships are terminated and revoked effective with my natural birthday July 2, 1945, as I elect to be recognized as the sole living owner, executor, beneficiary, and agent of my name and estate since my 21st birthday on July 2, 1966.

So said, so signed, and so sealed by my living hand this 15th day of May in the year 2019 

by:  ______________________________________seal , LS (Living Soul)         

Witness Jurat
New Jersey State
Atlantic County 

I, a public notary, was visited today by the living man known and identified as John Fulton Spencer, Jr., and he did sign and seal this Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance in my presence and did affirm the same in my sight, whereupon I affix my signature and seal as testimony to these facts: 

________________________________________, Notary

My commission expires on: ______________. Seal

(Document 2)  

C/O Spencer, Jr., John Fulton, Administrator 

ADDRESS: c/o 608a North Victoria Ave.,  
Ventnor City, New Jersey, Postal Code Extension 08406.


Returnee –JOHN FULTON SPENCER, JR.                                                                                                                    Certificate of Ownership 

Purpose: to provide for filing of name[s] when business is conducted under assumed name: sessions law 145;1907; chapter 145 [h.b.64] of the state of Washington (and equivalent sessions laws in other states); an act providing that when any business other than a corporation(s) or limited partnership, is conducted under an assumed name, a certificate showing the real parties in interest shall be filed with the county clerk and fixing a penalty x 2. To be deemed a public officer you must produce and be vetted by the administrator of this document, a letter of intent, a letter of compliance with all state and federal rules and regulations as prescribed by the secretary of state or any private person who does not properly identify themselves upon request by producing a business license, a UBI number, and a bond filled out in the C.A.P. name on this certificate, are fined on the spot for $500.00 in consideration. Fee schedule; to be determined by the head administrator of this document at the time of engagement. and also the corresponding session laws of the state of Alaska, including chapter 84 of the 1961 session laws, chapter 84, section 13, “common law rights” and as 10.35.030 (1chapter 33 sla 1966) transfer of reserved name (and equivalent session laws in other states).

Whereas GRANTOR is a Cestui Que Vie TRUST formed without the knowledge or consent of the Grantee  and has accumulated unauthorized debt against the ESTATE benefiting secondary beneficiaries merely presumed to exist and claiming to have an interest in the ESTATE established under the MUNICIPAL LAW OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, the actual Grantee, the living man known to the public as John Fulton Spencer, Jr. invokes the provisions of Article IV of the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 as one “having been found to be alive” and to be owed all benefit, control, and interest in the GRANTOR TRUST ESTATE set free and clear of all liens, debts, titles held under color of law, tithes, fees, and all other encumbrances established by the United States of America, Inc., THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., the UNITED STATES, (INC.), USA, Inc., E Pluribus Unum the United States of America and all and any franchises thereof ab initio from the date of first registration of the ESTATE TRUST and all and any derivatives thereof, including but not limited to JOHN SPENCER, JR. and JOHN FULTON SPENCER, JR. and JOHN F. SPENCER, JR. and any other styles, punctuations, orders, abbreviations or variations of my Trade Name.


BUSINESS INFORMATION:                                                                                        
D.B.A JOHN F. SPENCER, JR. and SPENCER, JR. JOHN F. and JOHN SPENCER, JR. and JOHN FULTON SPENCER, JR. and all and any derivatives thereof in any way related to the ESTATE so NAMED.

C/O 608a North Victoria Ave.,  Ventnor City, New Jersey, Postal Code Extension 08406.


True and Real Trade Name: Grantee, Private, Signatory, Beneficiary, Holder, Transferee:
First Name: John
Middle Name: Fulton
Last Name: Spencer, Jr.
STYLE: Bicameral & Surname
Post Office Address (Physical):
c/o 608a North Victoria Ave.,  
Ventnor City, New Jersey, Postal Code Extension 08406.
Post Master Location: 5006 Wellington Ave, Ventnor City, NJ 08406

I am claiming the writ of Habeas Corpus to institute and maintain actions of any kind in the courts of “this” state while maintaining true domicile on the land of these United States, to take, hold and dispose of property either Real, Intangible or Personal held in the name of the FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST dba JOHN FULTON SPENCER, JR. together with all derivative NAMES and Names and styles thereof, together with guarantee of pre-payment and exemption from Taxes, Tithes, and Fees, together with re-conveying all actual assets rightfully belonging to the Lawful Holder in Due Course. 
Under the form of creating a qualification or attaching a condition, the Unites States and United States of America however styled or construed cannot, in effect, inflict a punishment for a past act which was not punishable at the time it was committed and which was not the knowing, willing, and consensual act of the actual Holder in Due Course of the given name and estate. 

All violators, agents, actors under color of law, and actions under color of authority claimed by any corporations, associations, or subcontractors, agencies or agents of any kind or like violating or attempting to violate the political status and Title Order of the Grantee at any time past, present, or future shall be liable severally, and jointly to this certificate as an affidavit of obligation in the normal commercial sense and as such is a severity representing accounts receivable and is a lien upon the real and movable property, malpractice insurance and performance bonds of any such violators and is not dischargeable in bankruptcy court or subject to any probate claim; at all times the owner/holder in due courses’ property is exempt from third party levy and all related vessels in commerce and in trade are tax pre-paid. 

This document shall also serve as Mandatory Notice required under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act that the Living Soul, Owner, Proprietor, Holder-in-Due Course, Indemnitee, is a Foreign Sovereign owed all rights, guarantees, and protections of The Constitution for the united States of America and all assets owed to the Priority Creditors of the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States.  This Foreign Sovereign, John Fulton Spencer, Jr., retains all rights in reversion and is not subject to any conferment of citizenship or other merely presumed benefit or obligation.


By:    _________________________________(Seal) Signature, all rights reserved.

These provisions and copyrights are in effect from July 2, 1945 onward and the Name/NAMES are re-venued and permanently domiciled on the land and soil of the United States and upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania. 

Notary Witness and Acknowledgement

New Jersey State
Atlantic County

Today before me, a Commissioned Public Notary, visited the living man known to me to be John Fulton Spencer, Jr. and he did Issue this Certificate of Assumed Name as shown and he also affirmed his testimony as shown before me this ______day of _______________in the Year 2019, in Witness whereof I set my Signature and Seal:

_________________________________________Public Notary; my commission expires on: _______________________


(Document 3)


Whereas the legal-fiction entity known as JOHN FULTON SPENCER, JR. is now treated as a naturalized “citizen of the United States” under the Diversity Clause of the Constitution(s), and the living being John Fulton Spencer, Jr., who has been presumed by the de facto courts to “represent” this legal-fiction entity is beyond the age of majority, and whereas such citizenship was never desired nor intended nor willingly nor voluntarily entered into under conditions of full disclosure by said living being, John F. Spencer, Jr. willingly and purposefully renounces all citizenship or other presumed political status related to the United States defined as “the territories and District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864) and its government, a corporation doing business variously as the UNITED STATES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia, etc. formed under the Act of 1877, and does repatriate to the land of hisbirth known as Pennsylvaniaand does freely affirm hisallegiance to the same actual and organic state of the Union and does accept and reclaim histrue nationality as an American State National and an American State Vessel in all international trade and commerce owned and operated bSpencerJr., John Fulton, c/o 608a North Victoria Ave.,Ventnor City, New Jersey, Postal Code Extension 08406.

This action I validate, certify, Witness and affirm this _____day of ___________, 2019:

By:_________________________________(seal)John Fulton Spencer, Jr.

Notary Witness
New JerseyState, AtlanticCounty
Before me this _____day of ________ 201did appear one John Fulton Spencer, Jr. and he did establish this Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance freely and without coercion, in Witness whereof I set my sign and seal: 

____________________________Notary; my commission expires on______________.

(Document 4)

Whereas the legal-fiction entity known as JOHN F. SPENCER, JR. is now treated as a naturalized “citizen of the United States” under the Diversity Clause of the Constitution(s), and the living being John F. Spencer, Jr., who has been presumed by the de facto courts to “represent” this legal-fiction entity is beyond the age of majority, and whereas such citizenship was never desired nor intended nor willingly nor voluntarily entered into under conditions of full disclosure by said living being, John F. Spencer, Jr.willingly and purposefully renounces all citizenship or otherpresumed political status related to the United States defined as “the territories and District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864) and its government, a corporation doing business variously as the UNITED STATES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia, etc. formed under the Act of 1877, and does repatriate to the land of his birth known as Pennsylvania and does freely affirm his allegiance to the same actual and organic state of the Union and does accept and reclaim his true nationality as an American State National and an American State Vessel in all international trade and commerce owned and operated bSpencerJohn F. Jr., c/o 608a North Victoria Ave.,Ventnor City, New Jersey, Postal Code Extension 08406.

This action I validate, certify, Witness and affirm this _____day of _______, 2019:

By:_________________________________(seal)John F. Spencer, Jr.

Notary Witness
New JerseyState, AtlanticCounty
Before me this _____day of ________ 201did appear one John F. Spencer, Jr. and he did establish this Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance freely and without coercion, in Witness whereof I set my sign and seal: 

____________________________Notary; my commission expires on______________.

(Document 5)

Whereas the legal-fiction entity known as JOHN SPENCER is now treated as a naturalized “citizen of the United States” under the Diversity Clause of the Constitution(s), and the living being John Spencer, who has been presumed by the de facto courts to “represent” this legal-fiction entity is beyond the age of majority, and whereas such citizenship was never desired nor intended nor willingly nor voluntarily entered into under conditions of full disclosure by said living being, John Spencer willingly and purposefully renounces all citizenship or other presumed political status related to the United States defined as “the territories and District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864) and its government, a corporation doing business variously as the UNITED STATES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia, etc. formed under the Act of 1877, and does repatriate to the land of hisbirth known as Pennsylvaniaand does freely affirm hisallegiance to the same actual and organic state of the Union and does accept and reclaim histrue nationality as an American State National and an American State Vessel in all international trade and commerce owned and operated bJohn Spencer, c/o 608a North Victoria Ave.,Ventnor City, New Jersey, Postal Code Extension 08406.

This action I validate, certify, Witness and affirm this _____day of _______, 2019:

By:_________________________________(seal)John Spencer

Notary Witness
New Jersey State, Atlantic County
Before me this _____day of ________ 201did appear one John Spencer, and he did establish this Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance freely and without coercion, in Witness whereof I set my sign and seal: 

____________________________Notary; my commission expires on______________.



(Document 6)

Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney

All prior Powers of Attorney presumed to have been granted by John Fulton Spencer, Jr.are removed, cancelled, and permanently revoked effective July 2, 1945.

John Fulton Spencer, Jr. is Attorney-in-Fact for all purposes related to the administration of his estates and all correspondence should be addressed to: John Fulton Spencer, Jr., 608 North Victoria Ave., Ventnor City, New Jersey, near 08406.

by:_______________________________________ this ____day of _______ 2019.

Public Notary Witness

I____________________, a Public Notary, was visited today by the man known to me to be John Fulton Spencer, Jr., and he did affirm and sign this Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney in my presence for the purposes stated. 

by:____________________________Public Notary; my Commission expires on:______________________. 


(Document 7)

Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
Sections 1605 and 1607
18 USC 2333
18 USC 1341 and 1342

This MANDATORY NOTICE is provided to all Territorial United States District and State and County Courts, their officers, clerks, bailiffs, sheriffs, deputies, and employees and all Municipal Appointees including their DISTRICT, STATE, and COUNTY COURTS, their OFFICERS and EMPLOYEES:

The vessels doing business as John Spencer, John F. Spencer, John F. Spencer, Jr, John Fulton Spencer, John Fulton Spencer, Jr, all-capital renderings of the preceding names (such as JOHN FULTON SPENCER, JR.) together with all derivatives, permutations, punctuations and ordering of these names (as in SPENCER, JR., JOHN F), as well as Jay Spencer, are not acting in any federal territorial or municipal capacity and have not knowingly or willingly acted in any such capacity since the day of nativity: July 2, 1945. All vessels are duly claimed by the Holder in Due Course and held under published Common Law Copyright since July 2, 1945.

These vessels are publishing MANDATORY NOTICE that they are Foreign Sovereigns from Pennsylvania, one of the States of America. This is your MANDATORY NOTICE that these above-named vessels are owed all material rights, duties, exemptions, insurances, treaties, bonds, agreements, and guarantees including indemnity and full faith and credit; you are also hereby provided with MANDATORY NOTICE that these vessels are not subject to Territorial or Municipal United States law and are owed The Law of Peace, Department of the Army Pamphlet 27-161-1, from all Territorial and Municipal Officers and employees who otherwise have no permission to approach or address them.

Any harm resulting from trespass upon these vessels or the use of fictitious names or titles related to them shall be subject to full commercial liability and penalties: 18 USC 2333, 18 USC 1341 and 1342. So said, signed, and sealed this 12th day of March in Atlantic County, New Jersey, The United States of America:

By: John Fulton Spencer, Jr.  (right thumbprint):

John Fulton Spencer, Jr.
608a North Victoria Ave.
Ventnor City, NJ near 08406


(Document 8)

Paramount Claim of the Life and the Estate of John F. Spencer, Jr.
Born July 2, 1945 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
The United States of America 
Whereas I, the living man known as John F. Spencer, Jr., am the result of the life and love and physical embodiment of my parents, the living man known as John F. Spencer and the living woman known as Barbara Caroline Dolman, who were lawfully wedded in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, in the calendar year 1938, now therefore I am their living son from the moment of conception and from the first combining of their unique genetic code to create my unique genetic code and my zygote in support of my physical embodiment then and now, and as I am the only true and surviving inheritor, I hereby publish my claim and recording of the facts: 
The Afterbirth composed of a placenta, umbilical cord, and fetal tissues which accompanied me into this world and which was in possession of my DNA was never a viable separate living organism and was instead a portion of my flesh akin to any hair, skin, or other representation of my genetic content, that was not abandoned, not donated, and not returned to me or my parents for burial. No separate estate, living status, ownership interest or death apart from my own life may be claimed in behalf of the Afterbirth or other waste resulting from my birth, from my shedding of hair, my shedding of skin, the deposit of my fingerprints or any other DNA-containing substance whatsoever. 
I hereby establish my Paramount Claim upon my unique DNA as the only lawful and living inheritor thereof from the moment of my conception forward and I also publish my nullification of any claim of ownership or material interest in my DNA based upon samples procured from any bodily waste or substance for any purpose. 
As witness to my claims I here affix the Signature and Seal of my Lawful Person, retaining all rights and prerogatives thereof: by: ________________________________________ Seal 
Public Notary Witness: 
Today I was visited by a man properly identified or known to me to be John F. Spencer, Jr., and he did establish this record before me and sign it for the purposes stipulated herein, and I do accordingly add my signature and seal: by: 
________________________________________, Notary. 
My commission expires on: _____________________. Seal 


Handy hints for earthlings who wish to avoid enslavement and death

Introduction About the Author: I'm an earthling, as far as I know (which is not much, as evidenced by the title of this blog), age 78 as...