Patrick S. Lovell is a film and TV producer (see his condensed resume at the FB link #johnnydeppisafinancialexpert). His intro says he's "Fighting the Good Fight with everything I've got," the truth, by the way. See this link, where Patrick features the Magnum Opus of his Good Fight, "The Con," a five-part series (see the for four watch options). Please follow the links in this paragraph to Patrick's amazing, honest, shocking, gripping, must-read, and must-see information.
It's the story of what happened in 2008 to the global economy, variously known (depending on who's talking) as The Housing Bubble, the Financial Crisis, or the "Foreclosure Crisis" (often used by the international "mainstream" corporate press). A more accurate and appropriate label is the one Patrick uses: "the largest engineered criminal conspiracy and cover-up in history."
As watching the whole 5-part series takes almost six hours, if you feel pressed for time but want to watch a condensed version, I recommend starting with Part Five and following up later with the whole series when you can.
A no-cost option to get the same information is to visit the Real Progressives website ( On the homepage, you will find (at the top) a dropdown menu “Media.” Choosing “The New Untouchables” will take you to this link.
“Two full seasons to binge!” There’s an introductory “trailer” and 14 episodes (each about an hour long), each with an abstract and a link to a transcript. (They’re also available on Apple podcasts, but without the transcripts.) Below the episode links, there are links to two episodes of another Podcast, “Macro N Cheese,” which provide the backstory to the series, along with a link to a book by a featured New Untouchables speaker, William K. Black, “The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry,” with an Abstract and a link to buy.
What's "bigger" about my perspective? Patrick has identified all the key elements which had to work together like a well-oiled machine to pull off The Con: the criminal regulators, officeholders, and banksters who knew how to use the revolving door between Wall Street and Government to their advantage, the members of Congress who (knowingly or not) provided the legal and financial support for The Con, and the support and cover provided by the corporate press. With this expanded perspective, you will gain the ability to see through the hidden curtain maintained by a network of kleptocrats for the club of beneficiaries of this Con, and many other cons as well.
Patrick's production doesn't shy away from the term "conspiracy," which The Con clearly is. It's not necessary for all the players in a conspiracy to be aware of all the other players; they only have to recognize how they will benefit, and know that others will help them not get caught. Whistleblowers do not faze them; they've seen what happens to them (it's not pretty).
Patrick puts The Con in historical perspective, showing how the S&L crisis served as a prequel and rehearsal for The Con; in particular, the story of how, while many of the players in the S&L scandal were successfully prosecuted for fraud and illegal maneuvers, one (Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide) escaped prosecution by converting his S&L to a mortgage bank, and applied what he learned to a new, "successful" (for him) career in mortgage banking, as described in The Con.
In a video posted on 1/27/2022 on Patrick's FB page (Patrick S. Lovell, he reveals his frustration and disappointment, but not despair, over the slow progress of his quest for justice. After 13 years of digging out the truth, it seems that the struggle has not borne the fruit which it should have produced by now.
Let's help Patrick (and the rest of us) wipe out the ubiquitous corruption which has led to the current sad state of the 99%. Patrick has identified the integrated, well-oiled machine which made possible the events he's described in "The Con." What I hope to contribute is an unmasking of the tools which this criminal conspiracy has used to gain control of an obscene stash of wealth. If there was a contest to determine the "largest engineered criminal conspiracy and cover-up in history," the one Patrick's team has uncovered would lose to the much older and far larger one I am about to describe.
"Control fraud occurs when a trusted person in a high position of responsibility in a company, corporation, or state subverts the organization and engages in extensive fraud for personal gain. The term "control fraud" was coined by William K. Black (featured in The Con) to refer both to the acts of fraud and to the individuals who commit them."
The use of a "foreign language" has been a prime control weapon of religious movements, such as the Latin Mass in the Roman Catholic Church, which only in relatively recent times has become obsolete. In law, "legalese" is the weapon of choice. In everyday speech, the international conglomerates, which own both mass media and military contractors (one example: Blackrock owns Netflix), make sure that key phrases and concepts are endlessly repeated until everyone parrots them without thinking. By controlling the use of language, they can control thought. It's the ultimate means of political, social, and economic control.
Once this variety of thought control is revealed and understood by enough people of good conscience, such control will fail.
Since time is of the essence, I will post this now and put the details of "thought control via language control" in an upcoming post. Until then, please visit and listen to, and/or read the transcripts of, these podcasts.