I have followed the website annavonreitz.com since there were under 300 numbered postings there. (Now there are over 2500.) I came to trust her info, have filed the paperwork she recommended, and have used it in "court." Result: "Case Dismissed." (See https://everythingiknewwaswrong.blogspot.com/2019/10/my-recent-court-appearance-and-what-it.html/
However, I have found logical and factual flaws in almost half of her recent Facebook posts, and don't recommend them to others, although I do post links on Facebook to the accurate ones individually. Specifically, of the most recent 29 posts on her website, I can only recommend 15. The others have errors that she should not have let slip by; they are not worthy of her previous high-level "Shinola sensor," namely, numbers 2549, 2553, 2556-58, 2560, 2564-67, 2569, 2570, 2573, 2575, and 2576-78.
I usually enjoy Anna's writing style, though she has a few idiosyncrasies which probably bother only a semipro editor like myself; she consistently reverses the proper uses of it's and its, strings various numbers of hyphens together to stand in for a dash and uses "script" instead of "scrip" (for a provisional certificate of money). She also uses the phrase "usurp upon" instead of simply "usurped." If these were her only errors, I would not be writing this.
Some of Anna's recent failings may result from a workflow that overpowers her ability to fact check, but as her audience has grown immensely, she has a much greater responsibility to ensure the accuracy of her assertions. Too often, she seems to assume that people or sources she trusts will be correct, without checking for herself. I have learned the hard way that for every question of fact, there's at least one answer that's probable, logical, and completely wrong.
Like other iconoclasts I respect and have followed, such as the late Robert David Steele,* she is not immune to the error of assuming the falsity of statements of people who have a demonstrated history of spreading misinformation and disinformation, assuming that any position they take must be the opposite of the truth, and automatically denying credence to anything promulgated by anyone with a trusted pedigree in the mass media or the academic world. I understand this failing; as a younger man, I have succumbed to it myself. I have counted myself as a member of a series of "tribes" over time, including those labeled Republican, Conservative, Libertarian, Green, and even Democrat (when Bernie Sanders was running in a primary).
Another instance of Anna's lack of research on topics outside her areas of expertise is her claim that no atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945 because if they had been, Hiroshima and Nagasaki would still be uninhabitable today (which is not the case). See her post number 2423, Face the Liars -- And the Truth http://annavonreitz.com/facetheliarsandthetruth.pdf
Anna recommends, when fact-checking her assertions, that we do our own research. I did so, and found the explanation for the lack of persistent radioactivity simple, straightforward and logical. Try a search for "current levels of radioactivity in Hiroshima and Nagasaki." One result: https://gizmodo.com/why-can-people-live-in-hiroshima-and-nagasaki-now-but-1451250877. Here's the gist of it:
Anna asserts (without proof) that "The plain and simple truth is that what was used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a new kind of "dirty" incendiary bomb. Oh, it's terrible, no doubt about that--- but it's not an "atomic" bomb. The governments of the world lied through their teeth and kept right on lying, anyway. They still teach this lie in public schools all over the world."
Incendiary bombs don't produce radiation. The firebombing of Dresden destroyed that city as thoroughly as did our atomic bombs, but it took thousands of them to do the job, not two. Deaths from radiation from "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" are well-documented—direct radiation from the blasts, not delayed radiation from fallout. Equally well-documented are the then-secret development of those bombs by the Manhattan Project, and films of their testing in Nevada. (How absurd is it to claim that these were "not atomic bombs?")
Mystery solved. So, what could have been Anna's purpose in writing this post? No mystery there.
I don't disagree that we have been, and continue to be, lied to by our so-called leaders, but accusing them of fabricating a "big lie" that turns out to be true does nothing but hurt her credibility, with no upside whatsoever.
The Covid-19 crisis has also put her set of trusted sources at odds with reality. Suffice it to say that she has given credence to the anti-mask crowd, supporting Trump's reactions to the Covid-19 crisis, blaming China for the problem, and at first denying, then minimizing, the scope of the problem. Result: Americans are being flagged as unwelcome plague carriers in other countries, some of which had early and effective responses which now allow their economies to reopen. Pence claimed that "we've flattened the curve" on the same day that new cases and deaths reached new peaks. Some of Trump's supporters, Republican legislators among them, have actually said that we must accept more deaths as the cost of preventing "economic disaster." Anna knows the cause of that disaster, and it's not the "rising expenses" of Social Security, Medicare, and other falsely-labeled "entitlements" as McConnell asserts; nor has it anything to do with viruses, or "fake" vaccines. It's the kleptocrat controllers who have, as managers of our current de facto system of corporate feudalism, usurping what was once a government of We the People, who have replaced our actual government with government-services corporations.
However, I have found logical and factual flaws in almost half of her recent Facebook posts, and don't recommend them to others, although I do post links on Facebook to the accurate ones individually. Specifically, of the most recent 29 posts on her website, I can only recommend 15. The others have errors that she should not have let slip by; they are not worthy of her previous high-level "Shinola sensor," namely, numbers 2549, 2553, 2556-58, 2560, 2564-67, 2569, 2570, 2573, 2575, and 2576-78.
I usually enjoy Anna's writing style, though she has a few idiosyncrasies which probably bother only a semipro editor like myself; she consistently reverses the proper uses of it's and its, strings various numbers of hyphens together to stand in for a dash and uses "script" instead of "scrip" (for a provisional certificate of money). She also uses the phrase "usurp upon" instead of simply "usurped." If these were her only errors, I would not be writing this.
Some of Anna's recent failings may result from a workflow that overpowers her ability to fact check, but as her audience has grown immensely, she has a much greater responsibility to ensure the accuracy of her assertions. Too often, she seems to assume that people or sources she trusts will be correct, without checking for herself. I have learned the hard way that for every question of fact, there's at least one answer that's probable, logical, and completely wrong.
Like other iconoclasts I respect and have followed, such as the late Robert David Steele,* she is not immune to the error of assuming the falsity of statements of people who have a demonstrated history of spreading misinformation and disinformation, assuming that any position they take must be the opposite of the truth, and automatically denying credence to anything promulgated by anyone with a trusted pedigree in the mass media or the academic world. I understand this failing; as a younger man, I have succumbed to it myself. I have counted myself as a member of a series of "tribes" over time, including those labeled Republican, Conservative, Libertarian, Green, and even Democrat (when Bernie Sanders was running in a primary).
The tribes you think of as "political parties" are, and have always been, political lobbying groups organized as, and functioning as, private corporations (as Anna will remind you). You probably regard "Conservative" and "Libertarian" as ideologies, but that characterization is also off the mark. They are more like the Rotarians/Kiwanis/Elks/Moose...private clubs that function as tribes and are mostly manipulated at their "higher levels" by unseen cliques, not unlike the Masons.
Tribes always have allies and opponents, friends and enemies. In post 2564, Why Do I Support President Trump? http://annavonreitz.com/supporttrump.pdf Anna states, "I don’t care (about) and I am sick of the so-called intelligentsia trashing this man, and saying that he is “not credible” and “not acceptable.” Donald Trump is the only President in my lifetime who has kept — to the best of his ability— every campaign promise he made. Every single one.” She was “surrounded at dinner” by “elegant and well-educated people” who were trashing Trump for all the wrong reasons (please see her post above for details), and proceeded to defend him. Her take on Trump is at odds with the reality that most others see easily. For example, she says Trump’s record “speaks for itself…I trust and respect this man…(He has) the Spirit of Truth in his heart…he always tells the truth as he sees it…Donald Trump is the most “credible” man I have seen in the Oval Office in a long, long time…”
Tribes always have allies and opponents, friends and enemies. In post 2564, Why Do I Support President Trump? http://annavonreitz.com/supporttrump.pdf Anna states, "I don’t care (about) and I am sick of the so-called intelligentsia trashing this man, and saying that he is “not credible” and “not acceptable.” Donald Trump is the only President in my lifetime who has kept — to the best of his ability— every campaign promise he made. Every single one.” She was “surrounded at dinner” by “elegant and well-educated people” who were trashing Trump for all the wrong reasons (please see her post above for details), and proceeded to defend him. Her take on Trump is at odds with the reality that most others see easily. For example, she says Trump’s record “speaks for itself…I trust and respect this man…(He has) the Spirit of Truth in his heart…he always tells the truth as he sees it…Donald Trump is the most “credible” man I have seen in the Oval Office in a long, long time…”
On my planet...(well, see my commentary on her post number 2566, below).
Here are a few examples of how Anna has, like me, succumbed to tribal loyalty instead of following her usual analytical rigor in her recent postings. She recently shared an anonymous set of pro-Trump talking points with this post on her website, number 2566: "Here's What I Am Talking About and What You Need to See." It was borrowed from an "anonymous source." http://annavonreitz.com/hereiswhatiamtalkingabout.pdf
Someone on Reddit posted the same list, asking for fact-checking of the list. Here was my response:
Someone on Reddit posted the same list, asking for fact-checking of the list. Here was my response:
"This is a list of “accomplishments we should thank Trump for," mostly bills (written by others) and executive orders signed, intended to counteract the implied anti-Trump media bias. Many items seem targeted to surprise "the left." My search on DuckDuckGo (they don't track you like Google) hit pay dirt. I found the “anonymous source” for the list, and a blog of someone who did his own fact-checking. It saved me the trouble of doing it myself; many thanks to “The Grey Zone:” https://debaumer.wordpress.com/2020/05/18/trumps-truths-and-the-bigger-story-part-1/ and https://debaumer.wordpress.com/2020/05/18/trumps-truths-and-the-bigger-story-part-2/Of course, what we should look at is what Trump has DONE, not talking points from his supporters. What he's done to the country mirrors what he did, for example, to Atlantic City: use other people's money to build his wealth, stiff his contractors, extract all the value from the fruits of the borrowed money, enrich himself, his friends, benefactors and family (a constitutional violation), bankrupt his businesses, then blame everyone but himself for the results. He "drained the swamp," then refilled it, placing lobbyists pledged to destroy federal agencies in charge of those agencies, rolling back environmental protections, and hobbling America's economy with his tariffs, spending a huge proportion of his time tweeting and golfing (after a campaign promise not to take vacations or golf). He has enriched himself through massive weekly junkets to his own golf courses at Federal expense, putting up his massive entourage (including Secret Service agents) in his own hotels, and set new records for lies-per-day by a single politician.He minimized the danger of covid-19, claiming it would magically disappear, and has threatened State Governors who seek to (prudently) delay "reopening" the country. Pence claimed that "we've flattened the curve," on the very day when new cases and deaths reached new peaks; the US now leads the world in new cases and total deaths (over a million deaths as of May 1, 2022), while countries that compelled mask use and social distancing at the start of the crisis are now able to reopen. The US is now a country from which other countries are restricting travel, for their own safety. He has motivated mental health professionals to form a campaign to remove him for being unstable and putting the nation and planet in danger. While this is just a partial list of his incompetence and malfeasance in office, it should be enough to scare the crap out of any sane person. (By the way, I did not vote for Hillary.)"
Another instance of Anna's lack of research on topics outside her areas of expertise is her claim that no atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945 because if they had been, Hiroshima and Nagasaki would still be uninhabitable today (which is not the case). See her post number 2423, Face the Liars -- And the Truth http://annavonreitz.com/facetheliarsandthetruth.pdf
"...it is complete --- and obvious --- bunk. If atomic bombs had been dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki, those cities would still be uninhabitable today and would remain uninhabitable for thousands of years beyond today."
Anna recommends, when fact-checking her assertions, that we do our own research. I did so, and found the explanation for the lack of persistent radioactivity simple, straightforward and logical. Try a search for "current levels of radioactivity in Hiroshima and Nagasaki." One result: https://gizmodo.com/why-can-people-live-in-hiroshima-and-nagasaki-now-but-1451250877. Here's the gist of it:
"Little Boy was a uranium-fueled bomb about 10 feet long and just over two feet across, that held 140 pounds of uranium and weighed nearly 10,000 pounds."When it exploded as planned, nearly 2000 feet above Hiroshima, about two pounds of uranium underwent nuclear fission as it released nearly 16 kilotons of explosive force. Since Hiroshima was on a plain, Little Boy caused immense damage. Estimates vary but it is believed that approximately 70,000 people were killed and an equal number were injured on that day, and nearly 70% of the city’s buildings were destroyed. Since then, approximately 1,900 people, or about 0.5% of the post-bombing population, are believed to have died from cancers attributable to Little Boy’s radiation release."
Anna asserts (without proof) that "The plain and simple truth is that what was used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a new kind of "dirty" incendiary bomb. Oh, it's terrible, no doubt about that--- but it's not an "atomic" bomb. The governments of the world lied through their teeth and kept right on lying, anyway. They still teach this lie in public schools all over the world."
Incendiary bombs don't produce radiation. The firebombing of Dresden destroyed that city as thoroughly as did our atomic bombs, but it took thousands of them to do the job, not two. Deaths from radiation from "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" are well-documented—direct radiation from the blasts, not delayed radiation from fallout. Equally well-documented are the then-secret development of those bombs by the Manhattan Project, and films of their testing in Nevada. (How absurd is it to claim that these were "not atomic bombs?")
So, how can the relatively-rapid return of radioactivity levels to near-normal be explained? At another link, https://cebudailynews.inquirer.net/150776/radiation-hiroshima-nagasaki, we read:
"The radioactive particles from the atomic bombs 72 years ago were supposed to render both cities uninhabitable for thousands, and millions, of years.“Today, the background radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the same as the average amount of natural radiation present anywhere on Earth. It is not enough to affect human health,” according to scientific reports. But why? What happened? Why are these two cities in Japan safe again, so soon?"Uranium-235 was used for the bomb over Hiroshima and Plutonium-239 over Nagasaki. The half-life of U-235 is 700 million years, the Pu-239, 24,000 years, if they had...exploded on the ground. Information from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Museums provided the answer to the mystery."Both bombs exploded high up in the air, 1,968 feet for Hiroshima and 1,800 feet for Nagasaki. They never hit the ground. The 139 pounds of U-235 and the 12 pounds of Pu-239 were pulverized into particles and the plume dissipated by the wind over land and mostly to the sea."
Mystery solved. So, what could have been Anna's purpose in writing this post? No mystery there.
"I am going to prove to you," Anna states, "that the commercial corporations that have been serving "as" our government, are Liars. I am going to do this using one fantastically famous example."The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, never happened."This Chestnut was so widely distributed and so universally believed, that it traumatized two generations of people and continues to haunt us today --- but it is complete --- and obvious --- bunk. If atomic bombs had been dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki, those cities would still be uninhabitable today and would remain uninhabitable for thousands of years beyond today...if they would lie about such a centerpiece of "world history" as the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even seven-plus decades afterward, what else do you think they have lied about?"
I don't disagree that we have been, and continue to be, lied to by our so-called leaders, but accusing them of fabricating a "big lie" that turns out to be true does nothing but hurt her credibility, with no upside whatsoever.
The Covid-19 crisis has also put her set of trusted sources at odds with reality. Suffice it to say that she has given credence to the anti-mask crowd, supporting Trump's reactions to the Covid-19 crisis, blaming China for the problem, and at first denying, then minimizing, the scope of the problem. Result: Americans are being flagged as unwelcome plague carriers in other countries, some of which had early and effective responses which now allow their economies to reopen. Pence claimed that "we've flattened the curve" on the same day that new cases and deaths reached new peaks. Some of Trump's supporters, Republican legislators among them, have actually said that we must accept more deaths as the cost of preventing "economic disaster." Anna knows the cause of that disaster, and it's not the "rising expenses" of Social Security, Medicare, and other falsely-labeled "entitlements" as McConnell asserts; nor has it anything to do with viruses, or "fake" vaccines. It's the kleptocrat controllers who have, as managers of our current de facto system of corporate feudalism, usurping what was once a government of We the People, who have replaced our actual government with government-services corporations.
Even if all the anti-vax stories were true, they should not be echoed in Anna's writings, because they distract from her main mission. Will all the vaccinated be dead in two years from the hidden, planned effects of the "faux vaccines?" If so, unless she can find and communicate an antidote for this outcome, all she will have accomplished is to spread fear and despair. Vaccines have already saved many more lives than they have harmed.
Please, Anna, stop shooting yourself (and your loyal supporters) in the foot by stepping outside your areas of expertise and spreading misinformation. We need you laser-focused on the goals of your movement, exemplified on your other main site, https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org.
* Robert David Steele fell victim to the anti-vaxxers who painted the Covid-19 pandemic as a "Plandemic," declined to be vaccinated and died of the virus in a hospital. Some continue to support the positions of those who portray Fauci and Big Pharma as evil, murderous villains, killing their victims for profit. (Full disclosure: I'm vaccinated. I'm also partly immunocompromised by chemotherapy for non-Hodgkins Lymphoma last year.) One of the websites he hosted now has posts like this one: https://robertdavidsteele.com/q-robert-david-steele-has-been-executed/
The man was much more than what your initial impression of him might be. He was once in the CIA and has said that he believes there are, indeed, CIA false-flag ops because he once created one (thankfully, no one died as a result). He had an operation to "unrig" our electoral system in partnership with Cynthia Mckinney, and had a modest (ahem) proposal to extend the concept of open-source computer code to "everything." It would be a worldwide economic and humanitarian boon to mankind if someone else takes up the mantle of his work on the project.