Thursday, March 5, 2020

My Cancer: where did it come from? How about yours?

Updated Oct. 7, 2020

When I raised this question with my personal physician (indirectly, with a leading question: "Have you heard about the lawsuits Monsanto has lost from plaintiffs claiming their Roundup gave them what I've got?) he pointed out that people were getting Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma decades before Roundup (with its chief component, Glyphosate), was invented.

I have had two experienced oncologists give me the same diagnosis, N-HL, Stage 4B, and both told me "We can cure you." (with chemotherapy, without radiation.) A good and hopeful sign. They've been curing patients with what I've got for years, and my PET scan came back negative for any solid masses except in my liver (which they had already determined with a needle biopsy, pieces sent to 3 labs including the Mayo Clinic). I feel I am in good hands, but the question remains: if Roundup/Glyphosate caused MY cancer, and the juries made a fair judgment that Roundup caused the cancer of the plaintiffs in 12 cases (so far), at least one of whom has no chance of recovery, is it reasonable to suspect that my personal exposure over the years caused MY NHL?

Hell, yes. Key documentation from the trials from Monsanto's own files (obtained through legal discovery) convinced the juries that Monsanto knew the dangers decades ago, and chose to put profits above human life using any means possible to "prove" that "Roundup was safe and does not cause cancer in humans," despite conducting no data collection or analysis on humans.

Monsanto's documents showed not only that the 80 studies by "independent labs" Monsanto cites as proof of Roundup's safety were all sponsored by Monsanto, and that the conclusions of the reports were all ghostwritten by Monsanto employees, not by the labs.

A chief claim of Monsanto is that the EPA and FDA have approved (and recently renewed their approval) of continuing Roundup use, agreeing with Monsanto that Roundup poses no danger of cancer to humans. These are officials appointed in the Trump administration, some of whom actually worked for Monsanto before they accepted their posts, or were former lobbyists for the chemical industry.

Roundup is the best-selling herbicide ever, in use now for 50 years, and tests detect its presence everywhere they look—in our waterways, groundwater, tap water, food, soil and air. EPA standards of safe levels are just under these current environmental levels. See? Safe. However, the EU has set their maximum safe levels seven to ten times lower than the EPA's. Germany and Sri Lanka (among other countries) have determined that there is no safe level and have banned it entirely, since even trace amounts have effects on the endocrine systems and fetal development of test animals, and hormone levels as well. Does anyone remember Thalidomide, which was declared safe for pregnant women until babies were born without arms and legs? See which has found labs that will test for glyphosate (after initially finding no doctors who would prescribe, or labs which would do, such tests). They had the labs test for Roundup in mother's milk. ALL tests were positive. (In fairness, my sister pointed out that anything a mother ingests will show up in her milk.)

My personal exposure to Roundup was occasional use on my own property 10 and 20 years ago, so traces of that exposure is likely undetectable. however, many cancers take that long to develop. A $99 urine test is available, but it only detects exposure for the previous 6 days. I report my own test results below. Why did I bother being tested? I'm interested to see what my current, ongoing exposure is from my local environment. The last six days are likely representative of any 6-day period in the last 5 years, and might also be a good measure also of the exposure of my neighbors, especially the ones who are buying Roundup and spreading it on their lawns (along with weed 'n feed bags of seed/fertilizer/herbicides, many containing another chemical, 2/4-D, half of the "Agent Orange" we used to deny cover and food to "the enemy" in Vietnam (with whom we now trade) which notoriously caused birth defects.

If you get my diagnosis, and wish to join a mass-tort suit against Monsanto (no cost to you unless they win), visit and click on the Chat pop-up or look for a link. This site also contains a wealth of related information. UPDATE: many other websites will now put you on a list of potential plaintiffs in a mass-tort suit; get on one list, and you needn't get on any other. They (and you) will all share in the glory (and profit) from any legal victory, and getting on more than one list is counterproductive.

Do you wish, as I do, to avoid any exposure to Roundup (and like chemicals) in your personal environment? Foods labeled "GMO Free" may still contain roundup residue, because they may have undergone accelerated drying before harvest (crops that get ground up before processing into bread, cereal, animal feed, etc. by the time-saving method of being killed by Roundup at harvest time to accelerate the natural drying process. Time is money, you know. Instead, buy only ORGANIC products, which must be grown (and sold) without herbicides or pesticides. The food you eat and the water you drink every day are the chief sources of your current environmental exposure to Roundup and its metabolites, mostly "AMPA."

If you must buy bottled water, avoid the many, many brands controlled by Nestle, the Swiss multinational company whose CEO insists that people do not, and should not, have access to free water, while Nestle pays municipalities little or nothing to pump and bottle American groundwater (even in drought areas) so they can profit at our great expense. My personal choice for drinking water, above all others I've researched, is tap water filtered at home by technology from Clearly Filtered ( They have a batch system which filters out dozens of contaminants in 13 categories, including glyphosate and AMPA. It's about $75 for the batch pitcher and one filter, which needs periodic replacement. You can subscribe to automatic replacements for about $50 each. If this sounds expensive, think what it may cost you if you succumb (like me) to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. It's good to know you're not putting your life at risk by what you're eating and drinking. (By the way, distilled water is a poor choice; glyphosate and AMPA can vaporize and re-condense into the water, and distillation removes minerals which are essential to good health.)

Regarding my test results: the first one (at the beginning of my treatments) put my Glyphosate/AMPA levels in the top 3/4 of all their tests, remarkable for someone with no direct exposure to Roundup for over 20 years. The second test, 6 months later, put me well below their average results, and below the typical level for European test subjects (where Roundup is widely banned). My chemo treatments had no influence on these results; the only thing that changed between the two tests was strict adherence to eating only certified-organic food and drinking only Clearly Filtered water (including in coffee). I will continue this regimen indefinitely (good for me, and cheaper than cancer).

UPDATE: my chemotherapy (six sessions, one every three weeks) was concluded on June 17. My second PET scan, a month later, showed nothing but the slowly-healing liver damage, as expected. Further occasional testing is scheduled. In five years, it's expected that I can be officially pronounced "cured."

What conclusions might be drawn from my experience? Because my exposure was typical of most Americans, we all may be on the cusp of a new and as-yet-unrecognized health crisis of unprecedented proportions. Or, perhaps I'm completely mistaken, and Monsanto (now owned by Bayer, who got so big partly by providing chemical weapons to Hitler) is telling the truth, and nothing but the truth, when they swear that "Roundup is safe, and does not cause cancer." And the FDA which agrees with them, has not become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bayer...and perhaps the Easter Bunny will put a winning lottery ticket under your pillow.

My Cancer, Part 3

Previously, on My Cancer: "Mr. Spencer, you have Stage 4B Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Stage 4 means it has spread throughout your body from its origin in your Lymphatic System. The B part simply notes the symptom of soaking night sweats. The good news is, we can cure you."

A new week, a new adventure. Monday (March 20): in preparation for my chemotherapy, a "Port" is surgically installed in my chest. It's a necessity for the chemo "cocktail" I will be served for a total of six sessions, every third Wednesday; the last one will be on June 17, 2020, which will also be the 42nd anniversary for me and Debbie (what a coincidence!).

The necessity arises because of the caustic nature of one component of the cocktail, which is so corrosive it would attack the walls of my veins if delivered conventionally via an IV tube. The Port directs each of the chemo components (delivered separately, in sequence) through a tube to a vein junction where blood turbulence is high, reducing the corrosive effect to a safe level. (Bonus: the Port can be left in my body indefinitely, if I choose, so I'll never need another IV again. The port can be used for any injection, drawing blood, or donating blood.)

Tuesday: I get a long-awaited PET scan (Positron-emission Tomography). I'm injected with a radioisotope (half-life, 90 minutes) that attaches itself to any sugar-laden cells (a hallmark of cancer cells), but not others. My oncologist told me, "the scan will list up any solid mass in my body."

Wednesday: my first chemotherapy session. (By the way, there will be no radiation.) My port is accessed for the first time; it's covered by skin, so the needle has to pass through it but no vein is hit in the way in. I was told that subsequent access to the port would be less and less painful.

My oncologist visits at the start, and brings good news: the PET scan report has come in, he's read it, and Nothing. Lit. Up. (No solid masses were detected, except in the liver, which they already knew from the liver biopsy, prompted by the second CT scan. That's where the initial diagnosis came from.)

After several preliminary injections (through the Port, of course), the first chemo solution is administered. This one always takes longer than the rest (Rituxan, a monoclonal antibody, technically not in the "chemotherapy" category since it is targeted rather than "kill-em-all"). First speed bump encountered: I have a relatively rare adverse reaction (which my treatment team is well-prepared for)—I start shaking like Chuck Yeager fighting the stick during his first-ever, record setting flight where he broke the sound barrier. For a visual, see the classic movie "The Right Stuff." Bring a pack of Beaman's gum.

After they got me back under control, they continued the infusion at a much slower rate, and rescheduled the rest of my first session for today (March 5). I'm almost done: arrived at 9, should leave around 2.

Tomorrow (at 1:30 or 2), I will return for a shot to restore a good part of my white blood cells killed off by the chemo (it stimulates the bone marrow to make more). I have a regimen of pills to take to counter nausea, and other possible side-effects. Next wednesday, I will see my oncologist for a general checkup and Q&A session. I could not be happier with the quality and competence of my care team (Shore Medical and Shore Cancer Center in Somers Point, NJ.)

Handy hints for earthlings who wish to avoid enslavement and death

Introduction About the Author: I'm an earthling, as far as I know (which is not much, as evidenced by the title of this blog), age 78 as...